Kincaid’s Is Music

Kincaid’s Is Music
1325 W 1st St
Springfield, OH 45504
(937) 325-7071


Today Big Fish Local is featuring Kincaid’s Is Music as part of the Shop Local Springfield Campaign. Kincaid’s Is Music is a local music store, where you can purchase or rent band and orchestra instruments. They also are able to make repairs to older or damaged instruments. Kincaid’s is the premier place for students, musicians, parents, and music education professionals to get all of their musical equipment. They have trumpets, trombones, horns, drums, electric guitars, clarinets, and so much more! Kincaid’s is a one stop shop for just about anything that is band or orchestra related.  

At Kincaid’s everyone on the staff is very passionate about music and have tons of experience in their field. They have made a commitment to increase the number of children that they help begin and advance in instrumental music by 50% in the next five years. They believe that music has the power to change the lives of children and set them up for success in every aspect of life. Their knowledge and passion has allowed them to become one of the most trusted voices around in school music and music education. Stop by and see the friendly staff at Kincaid’s Is Music today and ask about signing up for a private music lesson!







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