McKinley Hall Inc

McKinley Hall Inc
2624 Lexington Ave
Springfield, OH 45505
(937) 328-5300

Today Big Fish Local is featuring McKinley Hall Inc as part of the Shop Local Springfield  Campaign. McKinley Hall Inc is a local non-profit that has been providing a valuable service to the Clark County area for over 30 years. Over the past three decades they have treated many patients with drug, alcohol, or other substance abuse issues in the Springfield area. They provide both outpatient and inpatient programs for both men and women. Mckinley Hall Inc also has a recovery housing program that also accepts both men and women for treatment. In addition to these services they also invest into the community via an outreach program where their main focus is prevention. As a part of this program McKinley Hall Inc participates in Project DAWN. Project DAWN is a program that offers free naloxone training and kit distribution for individuals who are at risk for overdose or for family and friends who know someone who is at risk for an overdose. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse or addiction contact McKinley Hall Inc today and they will be happy to get them started on the path of recovery.







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